Retorio Blog

Sales Enablement with AI-coaching Step-by-Step Guide

Written by Christoph Hohenberger | 02.03.2023

Many coaching and learning initiatives are often time-consuming and are independent of the cause and need of the learner. In many cases, time flies between the time the need reaches those in charge. 

How to build fast and relevant learning initiatives for those who need them?


The example

Using one exemplary CRM system, which is widely used among several companies, I’d like to demonstrate how easy it is to build a relevant learning environment, where help reaches the learner when they need it – during their work.

We’ll use technology that is already available on the market.

  • Hubspot, a widely known CRM system
  • Retorio, an AI Coaching platform, helps you to build interactive virtual simulations with instant AI feedback
  • Synthesia, which helps you to build virtual human-like avatars


The process

First, providing the learning content when your people need it is important. As most people operate on digital devices in their daily business – that’s the prime place to be. The best way is to directly embed the learning content in the daily (digital) working toolbox.

The graphic below depicts how this can look from a typical sales perspective. Once a salesperson moves a deal to the next stage, an automatic trigger pushes the relevant learning content to the learner.

Content - Why the best content comes from daily operations

To be relevant for people’s daily activities, the best learning content comes from practical experiences, needs, and pains. Thus, your salespeople (or any other function) can provide the best need assessment you can get.

One way to get the input is either conducting surveys, etc. or using best-practice approaches where the insights have already been gathered from other technologies (e.g.,, etc.) and great examples have been documented.

You can re-use this content to build training programs that create a virtual role-play database.


Watch the step-by-step approach in action


Step-by-step approach

1. Create a training in Retorio

2. Configure your CRM

In most CRM systems (this example shows Hubspot), it is possible to set automated triggers. In this case, the user would get an in-app notification and a task that needs to be completed.

This allows the supervisor to keep track of the learning progress, too.


3. Go-Live

Once a deal is moved to the next stage, you immediately receive a notification.

After clicking on the notification, you will end up with a concrete to-do list, and receive the respective training link.

That's it! Quick and easy. 

Retorio helps you to provide learning content exactly when the learner needs it.


Want to try out Retorio's AI Coaching platform for yourself?