How ZEALAXX jump-started their recruiting process

How ZEALAXX jump-started their recruiting process
About Zealaxx
ZEALAXX remains a leader in supporting companies in their growth goals. From marketing, interim management, to sales, ZEALAXX covers a wide-range of specialties for nimble teams. That’s why finding their own star players is a top priority. ZEALAXX’s area of focus requires a dynamic, nimble, and fast-moving team. Curious to better understand their candidates, ZEALAXX wanted to learn how they could improve the quality of the candidate experience, remain on the cusp of innovative hiring technology, and create another valueadd for their interviews.
This German company wanted a data-driven approach in understanding their candidates, while it being easy to use for both applicants and the ZEALAXX talent management team.
Streamline Candidate Experience
ZEALAXX believes their applicants deserve respect and thought put into every part of the hiring process. Even before the COVID- 19 pandemic, ZEALAXX wanted to find easy digital tools to make it simple to interview remotely. ZEALAXX team members and clients work across all Europe. They needed a tool that could be easy to apply from anywhere---and that would be enjoyable. Retorio’s behavioural assessment can be done from anywhere and on any device, making it a more inclusive solution for candidates.
Identify Potential Future Leaders
ZEALAXX sets the bar hire with their existing team. With their services’ increasing demand, the talent management team focused on finding the talent that will continue to shape the direction and expansion of ZEALAXX. This vision means higher business value later on in the company’s maturity, thus the team is preparing now to find high-potential talent. They believe the first step in finding innovative talent is showing applicants how much the company itself values tech-savvy solutions by using tools like Retorio.
By better understanding an applicant’s goals and values, ZEALAXX gains insight into how a person would make an impact. The ZEALAXX team is growing and each hire counts, especially when responsibility increases with growth. The talent management team wanted another approach in assessing how leadership skills could be identified and developed within the applicant pool. Using Retorio, they were informed to discuss an individual candidate’s abilities for long-term leadership potential.
Improve Interview Quality With Personalisation
With a strong emphasis on a candidate-centric approach to hiring, the ZEALAXX team quickly realized how Retorio could be used to create “quality time” with a candidate. They respect their applicants’ time, understanding how challenging the interviewing process can be for job seekers. ZEALAXX wanted to ask more poignant and tailored questions to each individual candidate; they wanted the interview to feel special.
The ZEALAXX talent management team used their own favorite interview questions, but also found Retorio’s suggested questions--- tailored to individual personality type---an incredible resource to create a personalized atmosphere. These questions improved the quality spent with each applicant, giving insights into what may be a good question provided an applicant’s trait. Retorio’s specially-crafted questions give Zealaxx a tailored approach for each interview.
"Retorio is an inclusive solution for candidates, from all over the world"
ZEALAXX wanted to ask more poignant and tailored questions to each individual candidate --and they managed to do it with Retorio's help.
Business Gains
Improved candidate experience
Streamline candidate experience with remote video interviewing.
Identify most qualified talent for leadership roles.
Increase quality of interview with science-backed resources.

“People want to be hired for who they are. With Retorio the first touchpoint with a candidate isn't their grades or even their skill; it really is about understanding a person.”